Monday, March 22, 2010

Battle of the Sexes - Anti-Aging Not Just A Woman's Battle

Men are simple - they like things to be easy and they don't want to sit around and wait. They are not touchy-feely and they don't care about ambiance. They do however want to look and feel good, without all the hassle. Women will take hours to get ready, but men - they are in and out in a flash.

Women are appearing younger and younger with each new aesthetic advance, while men seem to be getting older and older. Now men are starting to wise up - they are looking for simpler ways to achieve the same results.

HydraFacial™ is highly sought out by men for several reasons:
* It's fast - it takes as little as 15 minutes.
* It's immediate - they don't have to wait for weeks for results.
* It's simple - there's no "Froo Froo" involved - just science
* It's easy - Continue to see results at home with our take home solutions - they can be combined and applied in one easy step.

It is even fit for a prince - Prince Albert of Monaco has even traveled to the states to receive the royal treatment.

HydraFacial™ is also fast becoming a favorite among celebrities such as Matthew McConaughey and Ethan Hawk, but we wanted to check in with our leading man Travis to see his results:

How Travis maintains his good looks and charm

Travis has recently reconnected with old friends on Facebook who have commented on how great he looks - "I have a glow about me - I look energized." What has Travis noticed the most following his HydraFacial™ treatments? "Lines! I have a reduction in the lines around my eyes and forehead." He has also started using our SPF Sunscreen Lotion, which he loves: "Using SPF is like flossing - you don't realize how important it is until things go wrong. Now I use it every day."

Travis said he secret is taking care of himself from the inside out - even when life gets crazy, you have to make time to care for yourself. In addition to his HydraFacial™ skin care, Travis is still practicing Bikram Yoga and has a newfound love of brousing the Farmer's Markets for the freshest foods.

"The knowledge that Edge has given me has completely changed the way that I live."

What's up next for Travis

All this month Travis is up in Vancouver shooting a new film called Bind in which several friends take an innocent winter trip only to discover that one of them is a violent, bloody murderer... We just hope Travis makes it out alive!

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